Watch Our Most Recent Webcast

November 19, 2018: "The Ripple Effect in Action"  

View an inspiring new video about Grad Life Choices and how it captures the spirit of giving back and paying forward. Learn about the origins of the program, meet founders Ken and Wendy Schuman, and hear from coaches on the biggest issues, challenges, and rewards of coaching new college grads.
Watch here - About 60 minutes.


Tune in to Previous Webcasts

Oct. 10, 2018, Emotional Intelligence -- Your Secret to Success

In this informative and entertaining 1-hour webinar by career empowerment coach Cindy Weingartner, we learn what Emotional Intelligence is and why it's key to personal and professional success.

Often when we're stressed or triggered, our emotions take over and we can't think straight. In this webinar we learn to:
  • Take a deeper dive into the power of self-awareness and use it to develop our Emotional Intelligence.
  • Understand what an “amygdala hijacking” is and how it may be negatively impacting our ability to successfully achieve our goals.
  • Learn to respond rather than react to challenging situations.
  • Gain tools and resources to immediately start using Emotional Intelligence to improve interviewing skills, self-confidence, and personal interactions.

Cindy Weingartner, ACC, ELI-MP, is founder of Success Dimensions. The session was moderated by Annette Cataldi, founder of vlvcoaching.com.

Watch here - About 63 minutes.

April 10, 2018, "Discovering Your Strengths"  

Our presenter was Jacob J. Morris, a certified strengths coach who worked for 15 years in management for a Fortune 500 company. Jacob gave an overview of the Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment Tool developed by Gallup and how to use it as a coach or individual. A popular and well-researched assessment tool, StrengthsFinder can help clients measure natural talents, increase self-awareness, provide a language to describe what they do best, and create action items to use as they set out to accomplish their goals. Jacob also referenced the VIA Character Strengths Assessment, a useful tool for coaches and clients.
Watch here - About 55 minutes.

Sept. 21, 2015, "How Millennials Can Use LinkedIn as a Job Search Tool."  

Our expert speaker, Kim Pearlstein, founder and CEO of Pearlmark LLC, an online marketing consulting firm, told us that 94% of employers use LinkedIn to find job candidates. Clearly it's a vital tool for any job-seeker. Kim gave invaluable insider tips on how grads can best present themselves on LinkedIn in a positive, memorable way, how to optimize their LinkedIn profiles so that they're found by employers, and how to use LinkedIn for networking and finding employment opportunities.
Listen: About 55 minutes.

January 27, 2015, "Idealism vs. Realism: How can coaches help millennials keep their idealism and passion in the face of the realities of finding a job in the current market?"  

What a rich topic! Listen to the inspiring coaches who gave expert advice on helping millennials balance short-term goals (earning a living, developing skills) while keeping their long-term goals and ideals alive. Thanks to our wonderful coach-panelists — Alison Graddock, Nancy Watanabe, and Adam Sachs. And we're grateful to moderator Annette Cataldi for her expert interviewing and brilliant summary of key points.
Listen: About 55 minutes.

September 9, 2014, "Coaching Across Differences--Developing Intercultural Sensitivity"  

Coaches are often called to work with clients whose gender, class, race, sexual orientation, cultural background, or religion differ from their own. Communicating across cultural boundaries can be challenging--but it leads to more effective coaching. Life and Leadership Coaches Madeline McNeely and Atina White explored how the Cultural Iceberg Model and the Bennett Model of Intercultural Sensitivity can help coaches and clients be more savvy working across differences. They also shared coaching practices that help them develop deeper and more trusting relationships with clients across differences and took questions from callers on this vital topic.
About 58 minutes.

May 22, 2014, "Coaching Millennials – Starting Well and Ending Strong"

Four volunteer coaches from the Grad Life Choices program discussed their experiences and challenges in coaching the 20-something generation in a non-profit setting. The focus was how to establish a good coaching relationship and how to conclude the relationship so that the grad is left in a strong position and the lessons learned will be carried forward.  

About 58 minutes.

Jan. 22, 2014, "Creating a Great Résumé for Today's Changing Job Market."

Listen to guest speaker Jim Lemke, VP for Human Resources at FINCA International (www.finca.org) and Technical Advisor on Résumés for Dummies and Job Interviews for Dummies. Jim's dynamic presentation answered the burning question: "Why is my résumé going into a black cyber-hole?" He offered crucial tips for résumé writing, including how to customize your résumé with keywords to get through computer tracking systems, the importance of writing an experience summary, how to showcase your skills and education, and many other vital job-seeking strategies.  

About 58 minutes.

November 13, 2013, "How Grads Can Get and Nail the Interview."

Listen to our guest speaker, Joy Baldridge, one of the country's premier motivational speakers on leadership and change. Joy gave a wonderfully inspiring and energizing presentation full of practical tips on how young job-seekers can get to the right person in an organization, get the interview, and nail the interview. Joy speaks, trains and consults with more than 200 corporations and associations, including American Express, 3M, GE Capital Corporation, Time/Warner, The American Management Association and many others. For more information about Joy, please visit her website at joybaldridge.com.  

About 58 minutes.

June 26, 2013, "Issues in Coaching and Mentoring Millennials."

Listen to a highly interactive and informative discussion in which coaches shared lessons learned and practical tips for coaching millennials. Discussion focused on differences in working with this age group versus other clients. Session was moderated by Annette Cataldi, president of Vive la Vie Coaching.  

About 58 minutes.

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